Plasma Technology
Adtec Europe will exhibit at two events in 2017 showcasing our atmospheric pressure gas plasma technology for surface treatment applications in precision engineering.
Potential applications of plasma treatment include
- Surface cleaning
- Surface modification
- Surface Activation
- Removal of organic contamination
Adtec introduces the plasma product portfolio designed and manufactured in the UK by Adtec Europe Limited

Plasma processing is a material processing technology that is utilized to modify the chemical and physical properties of a surface. Plasma processing is most often in vacuum plasma chambers widely used in the semiconductor and display industries to meet the critical engineering requirements of high-tech industries.
Adtec Healthcare congratulates the R&D Manager Takuya Urayama on receipt of the second place award for Most Innovative Product at JWC Awards 2017.

Takuya is design leader for the Adtec SteriPlas gas plasma device. He also leads the team for development of Adtec microwave gas plasma devices in other applications such as sanitisation of hard to clean areas in food factories and surface treatment.
Adtec SteriPlas plasma technology adopted by German hospital in treatment of Surgical Site Infections.

Adtec Healthcare is pleased to report on the successful qualification of Adtec SteriPlas gas plasma technology by a hospital in Germany. Following a successful evaluation on the use of Adtec gas plasma in the treatment of surgical site infections, a University Hospital has approved the purchase of an Adtec SteriPlas unit.
Adtec receive funding to conduct a clinical biofilm project in UK Hospital

Adtec Healthcare is delighted to announce that we will start a project to measure the ‘Efficacy of non-thermal gas plasma (NTGP) on sub-clinical wound infection (biofilm) in patients with diabetic foot ulcers’ in August 2016. The project will be a collaboration between Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, leading UK wound care experts, University Hospital Jena Germany and Adtec. The project is co-funded by the UK’s Innovation agency, Innovate UK and Adtec.
Successful treatment of surgical site infections with Adtec SteriPlas

We are delighted to report that Adtec SteriPlas plasma technology has been successfully used to treat surgical site infections.
Good results of our plasma technology on biofilm- no viable organisms after 5 minutes plasma treatment

The aim of this study was to demonstrate anti-biofilm activity of argon gas plasma using CDC reactor biofilm model. ‘Bacteria protected within biofilms are up to 1,000 times more resistant to antibiotics…which severely complicates treatment options.’ (Environ Health Perspect. 2010 Jul; 118(7): A288)
Adtec Healthcare agree licensing and cooperation rights for advanced Plasma Wound Care Technology

Adtec Healthcare has entered into a licensing and cooperation agreement with the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics and Terraplasma GmbH to exploit a new 6-electrode Plasma generation system.
The new 6-electrode system, jointly developed by Adtec and Professor Gregor Morfill’s Research team at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics allows generation of a more consistent cold plasma that is ideal for treatment of chronic and acute wounds.