Introducing PlasmaTact 50

PlasmaTact 50 is a versatile Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma (CAPP) device designed for surface modification, etching, and deposition of layers. The device uses a highly reactive mixture of charged particles and UV radiation to treat surfaces at room temperature, without damaging the underlying material. PlasmaTact 50 is designed with a range of settings and control options to enable the precise treatment of different materials and surfaces. This makes it an ideal tool for a wide range of applications, including electronics, optics, and materials science. The device is user-friendly and portable, making it suitable for both laboratory and industrial settings. Its compact design and low power input make it a highly efficient and cost-effective option for small businesses and startups looking to explore the potential of plasma technology.


Model NamePLT-50
Frequency Range2400 – 2500MHz
Output Power Range10 – 50W (1W steps)
Gas Flow RateMain gas: 5.0slm – 10.0slm
(0.1slm Steps)
Input Power100 – 220V ±10% 50 – 60Hz
Power ConsumptionSingle phase 350VA
External Dimensions(W)323 × (L)400 × (H)177 (mm) Protruding parts not included
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