Adtec Healthcare reports new case studies on the successful treatment of long-term chronic ulcers.

Adtec Healthcare reports the successful wound management of patients with long term chronic ulcers at 2 hospitals in Germany and Switzerland. Some of these results are included in case studies on the website. The patients had been suffering from long term chronic ulcers where all other treatments had failed. Treatment with Adtec SteriPlas gas plasma managed the infection and the ulcers progressed to complete healing. Following these encouraging case studies results, it is necessary to do a randomized controlled clinical trial to prove the clinical efficacy and benefits.
A chronic wound (ulcer) is an ulcer that does not heal within 3 months and is stalled at one stage. Some patients may have a chronic ulcer for a year or longer. We believe Adtec SteriPlas technology has the potential to not only enable the healing of chronic wounds that are stalled by sub-clinical wound infection (biofilm) but accelerate healing time following intervention with our non-thermal gas plasma.
We are conducting a randomized controlled clinical trial in collaboration with Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust UK. The primary objective of this project is to evaluate the efficacy of Adtec SteriPlas on sub-clinical wound infection (biofilm) in patients with diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) compared to those treated with standard care dressings. The secondary objective is to correlate the clinical presentation of long standing DFUs with wound microbiology, biochemistry and histology. The efficacy in treatment of DFUs may be correlated to all types of chronic ulcers.
Adtec SteriPlas is a gas plasma medical device delivering active agents in plasma to the surface of the wound to manage the infection. Gas plasma has proven efficacy in the reduction of bacterial loads In wounds and can be considered as an alternative treatment to antibiotics.