Cold Atmospheric Plasma: Enhancing EV Battery Manufacturing & Performance
As Electric Vehicles become a part of everyday life, manufacturers are required to continually improve battery technology and performance: more energy storage, operating at higher energy densities. Cold Atmospheric Plasma is a pioneering technology that offers a novel solution. By introducing plasma treatments into existing manufacturing processes, it is possible to improve physical bonding of components, increase electrical conductivity of batteries, and increase thermal diffusivity across components.
The Manufacturing Challenge
The future of propulsion systems is electric drivetrains, often powered by electrical energy stored in batteries. With electric cars now commonplace, we are starting to other EVs enter the market, including motorbikes, yachts and light aircraft. To be effective and efficient, batteries for electric vehicles must exhibit good temperature management, be weather resistant, and comprise of a high-quality assembly to ensure a long service life. To achieve these, stable assembly processes that include reliable bonding technologies are essential. The treatment of surfaces using atmospheric plasma technologies is one of the most effective industrial processes for cleaning, activating, or coating plastics, metals, glass and other materials.
The use of plasma to optimise bonding during module assembly processes has the additional benefit of increasing the thermal and electrical conductivity across material junctions. Furthermore, it is a green technology: plasma replaces chemicals, reducing carcinogenic emissions from solvent-containing products.

The Technology Solution
Prismatic cell treatment is performed before isolation, which increases surface energy for improved deposition of isolation paints and activation for cell-to-cell bonding. Between the cells there is heat conductive glue, which needs to remain mechanically strong whilst allowing the cells to thermally cycle. Plasma cleans and changes the micro-topography of the paint surface; this increases the surface area to volume ratio, in turn increasing the rate the cell dissipates thermal energy. Activation is also performed to increase the bonding between prismatic cells and pack bases. A typical pack base material is PolyCarbonate (PC).

Pouch cells have very low mass and high energy density. Originally used in mobile phones, they are now being selected by some leading EV manufactures. Pouch cells require cleaning before laser welding of the electrical connections. Plasma is used to clean and activate the cell surface to improve the bonding with tape or adhesives. Plasma densifies the oxide layer and strengthens it. Organic substances are removed. Plasma deposits free O and OH groups for increased adhesion. When cells charge and discharge, they expand and contract, which is a challenge for adhesion and thermal dissipation: plasma adds value by also improving the thermal diffusivity across component surfaces.
Cylindric cells were originally pioneered by Tesla. The outside top surfaces of the individual cells are bonded to a polymer frame to ensure physical alignment. A thin wire is ultrasonically welded to the top of the cell, then connected to a busbar. If contamination is present on the surface of the cell electrode, the bond to the wire will fail. A plasma clean can be used to prevent this from happening, ensuring components are made right the first time.
Glycol coolant is run through battery packs to extract thermal energy, often carried by aluminium Serpentine cooling tubes. These tubes must remain electrically insulated, so a Mylar polymer is wrapped around them. Polymers can be notoriously tricky to bond, so a plasma pre-treatment improves both this bond, and the bond between each Mylar-covered tube.
Plasma processing, therefore, increases the physical bonding of the components inside a battery pack, increases the electrical conductivity of the batteries, and increases the thermal diffusivity across the component surfaces.
The Science – Processing with the Adtec 50W PlasmaTact
The Adtec PlasmaTact is a microwave induced cold plasma torch that generates argon plasma. By installing the device in a CNC machine, we performed surface energy modification on these key materials to enhance the battery manufacturing process.

Mylar, Polycarbonate and Aluminium 6082 were processed, and a metric called water contact angle was used to quantify the surface modification. A reduced contact angle = increased wettability = improved bonds.

Figure 6 demonstrates how the plasma creates regions of super-hydrophilicity, causing water to stick preferentially to the treated area. The 50W PlasmaTact modifies the surface energy (increased surface energy = increased wettability = improved bonding) of the component surfaces. As well as improved physical bonding, the process improves both electrical bonding and thermal diffusivity across the component surfaces.
To find our more about Adtec's pioneering cold plasma technology, please contact us here.
Adtec PlasmaTact produces super hydrophilic surface on CSP glass at 30m/min
Adtec's new 50W PlasmaTact is capable of generating super hydrophilic surfaces on Concentrating Solar Power glass at speeds of 30 metres per minute, or half a metre per second, in just one pass of the material's surface.
A super hydrophilic surface is defined as one with a water contact angle of less than 5 degrees, and is a significant result for high-precision plasma torch processing.
In the context of CSP, producing a super hydrophilic surface means we could greatly reduce the water required for cleaning. Beyond this, creating such surfaces can greatly enhance our ability to bond materials.
The video below shows the 50W PlasmaTact, the latest development in Adtec's patented microwave induced argon plasma, processing the surface of the glass at 30m/minute. The image shows the resulting areas of super hydrophilicity - the water sticks preferentially to the treated regions.
Adtec launches 50W Cold Atmospheric Plasma Torch
Adtec first started to investigate cold atmospheric plasma back in 2005, as part of an anti-bacterial study in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute in Germany.
From here, we developed our patented coaxial microwave plasma technology, which remains at the core of our cold plasma products to this day.
As well as medical applications, Adtec developed PlasmaTact - a 15W torch for surface treatments and anti-bacterial applications.
We are now proud to announce the new, higher power 50W PlasmaTact. The increased power means that not only can we perform the same surface treatment tasks at higher speed, but a greater breadth of surface engineering applications become a possibility - keep an eye out for news on our upcoming work exploring etching and deposition at atmospheric pressure!
Adtec launches DC Generators!
Ever since we designed and manufactured our first RF Plasma Generators 30 years ago, Adtec has built a reputation as a world-leading suppliers of generators for semiconductor and related industries.
Adtec is now extremely excited to announce the launch of our first DC Generator!
A 20kW Bipolar Power Supply, the unit has been designed and developed by Adtec group company IDX, primarily for sputtering deposition processes. With continuous, pulsed and bipolar DC modes, and high speed arc detection and handling functionality, multiple BP020A plasma generators can be stacked to create a flexible, high power system.
Alternatively, combine with Adtec's extensive range of RF Plasma Generation equipment to power a versatile dual RF-DC sputtering tool. Get in touch to discuss a solution tailored to your requirements.
One Supplier. From Generator to Chamber. Now with DC Generators
RF Plasma Equipment - From Generator to Chamber
Through recent additions to our RF Plasma Equipment range, Adtec is now proudly able to supply your entire RF Power chain - From Generator to Chamber.
Building upon our long-standing expertise in RF Plasma Generators and Impedance Matching Units, Adtec now offers a bespoke range of RF Coaxial Switch Boxes and Cabling.
View our full range of RF products here, and learn how Adtec can be your One Supplier, From Generator to Chamber
#OneSupplier #fromgeneratortochamber
Adtec launches High Power RF Coaxial Switch Boxes
Our Switch Boxes are custom designed, so get in touch to discuss your requirements
Adtec now offers bespoke Coaxial Cable Assemblies
High quality coaxial cabling is essential to efficiently transmit RF power from the generator to your load, or process chamber.
A coaxial cable is type of electrical cable, typically acting as a transmission line for high-frequency signals. The name coaxial refers to the shared axis of the inner conductor and concentric conducting shield. Unlike other types of shielded cable, the dimensions of coaxial cables and connectors are carefully designed and highly controlled; by standardizing a price, constant conductor spacing, coaxial cables act as highly efficient signal transmission lines.
Adtec now offers bespoke RF cable assemblies. Used in conjunction with our range of world-leading RF Generators and Matching Units, we can provide your entire RF power solution - one supplier, From Generator To Chamber.
Check out our full range of RF Plasma Generation equipment, now including Coaxial Cable Assemblies.
Adtec Healthcare exhibiting at two leading wound conferences this year
Adtec Healthcare looks forward to exhibit at the European Wound Management Association (EWMA) conference and The Malvern Diabetic Foot Conference in May 2020. As the two conferences will be running on the same dates (13th-15th May ’20), we will have teams exhibiting at both conferences so we can meet with you at whichever conference you attend.
We will have our medical device live on display at both exhibitions and look forward to inviting you to our booth to give a demonstration on its ease of use to achieve remarkable results.

#EWMA #EWMA2020 #MalvernDFU #Malvern2020 #wound #wundkongress #coldplasma #kaltesplasma #gasplasma #plasma #exhibition #woundcare #surgicalsiteinfection #preventSSI #SSIprevention
Randomised Controlled Clinical Trials of Adtec SteriPlas/MicroPlaSter Plasma Treatment of Wounds and Dermatological conditions over a 14 year period.
Adtec Healthcare’s plasma technology has been tested in 7 randomised controlled clinical trials with proven clinical efficacy and safety. The first participant in an RCT with our plasma technology was on 24th October 2005 - This was also the first RCT worldwide to investigate the clinical efficacy of cold plasma. We continue to be actively involved in RCTs and clinical studies with SteriPlas to produce strong clinical evidence.
The results of these trials include wound size reduction, bigger reduction of bacterial load compared to antibiotics, treatment of AK lesions and reduction of pain with no adverse events reported.
1. ACTICAP - A prospective, randomised, monocentric, rater blinded study evaluating the change of the cutaneous microbiome in correlation to the efficacy of cold atmospheric plasma treatment in comparison to diclofenac 3% in 2.5% hyaluronic acid (Solaraze 3% Gel®) in patients with actinic keratoses
University Hospital Essen, Germany
Status – Trial completed 2019 and publication planned 2020
2. Prospective, Randomised and Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial (RCT) for the validation of treatment of chronic wounds with cold atmospheric plasma (CAP)
University Hospital Essen, Germany
Status – Trial completed 2018 and publication planned 2020
3. A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of non-thermal gas plasma (NTGP) on sub-clinical wound infection (biofilm) in patients with diabetic foot ulcers compared to those treated with standard of care dressings
Salford Royal Foundation Trust, UK
Leeds TeachingHospital, UK
Status – Trial ongoing
4. Low temperature argon plasma for in vivo sterilization of chronic wounds
Klinikum Schwabing, Germany
University Hospital Regensburg Germany
Status – Trial completed 2013 and published
Successful and Safe Use of 2 Min Cold Atmospheric Argon Plasma in Chronic Wounds: Results of A Randomized Controlled Trial. Isbary ,British Journal of Dermatology, 2012.
A first prospective randomized controlled trial to decrease bacterial load using cold atmospheric argon plasma on chronic wounds in patients, Isbary ,British Journal of Dermatology, 2010
5. Randomised placebo-controlled human pilot study of cold atmospheric argon plasma on skin graft donor sites
University Hospital Regensburg Germany
Status – Trial completed and published
Randomized placebo-controlled human pilot study of cold atmospheric argon plasma on skin graft donor sites. Heinlin Wound Repair Reg 2013
6. Randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial showed cold atmospheric
argon plasma in herpes zoster
Klinikum Schwabing, Germany
University Hospital Regensburg Germany
Status – Trial completed and published
Randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial showed cold atmospheric argon `plasma relieved acute pain and accelerated healing in herpes zoster, Isbary , Clinical Plasma Medicine,2014,
7. A randomised two-sided placebo-controlled study on the efficacy and safety of atmospheric non-thermal argon plasma for pruritus
Klinikum Schwabing, Germany
University Hospital Regensburg Germany
Status – Trial completed and published
A randomized two-sided placebo-controlled study on the efficacy and safety of atmospheric non-thermal argon plasma for pruritus, Heinlin, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2013.
Adtec Plasma in CSP Renewable Energy Project

Adtec Europe Ltd is sponsoring two post-graduate students to do research in new potential applications for plasma in collaboration with Cranfield University.
The focus of this research is to understand the utilisation of plasma-assisted surface conditioning of low-iron glass solar reflecting mirrors for concentrating solar thermal power applications. The research project is supervised by leading experts in this field Professor Chris Sansom and Dr Peter King of Cranfield University and Dr Adam Bennett of Cranfield Plasma Solutions.
CSP plants generate electricity by concentrating sun light with large arrays of mirrors which are usually located in desert regions. Consequently, the mirrors get covered in sand and dust, and require cleaning with brushes and water on a regular basis. Currently much water is used to clean the mirrors, a precious resource in arid terrains. The aim of this project is to investigate the characteristics of a novel atmospheric pressure plasma system used to condition CSP concentrating mirrors which will be capable of reducing the amount of water used in the cleaning process.
The Global Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) market was valued at over $3 Billion US in 2016 and is anticipated to grow by 13% by 2025. There is also a compelling business desire to undertake this project. The development of a novel atmospheric pressure plasma system will be a significant game changer in the CSP market. Such a disruptive technology is anticipated to yield significant commercial benefits.

#CSP #concentratingsolarpower #solarpower #solar #solarenergy #renewableenergy #greenenergy #energy #cleanenergy #sustainableenergy #sustainablepower #sustainableenvironment #plasma #gasplasma #coldplasma #kaltesplasma #airplasma